Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lesson 12: Presentation week 2! Last lesson!

This week marks the last week of our Technology and World Change module. This week's focus is mainly on presentations and some housekeeping matters before the course ends. There are 4 presentations this week. The presentation topics are technology and identity, drugs, visual technology on holograms and consumer devices from group 5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively.

One particular interesting observation that I have throughout this session was on group 6 presentation on drugs and how some drugs such as marijuana. I agree to the arguments brought by this group and legalise marijuana. The benefits of legalising marijuana would actually outweigh the costs of it. Another interesting observation that I had was actually on consumer device and I am amazed by the great changes that we had from the past to today.

This week's lesson do not have much key takeaways as this week is on the presentations from our peers. There aren't any teaching involved other than the introduction of interesting ideas by our peers. I hope after this lesson, I will explore more insights to technology and most importantly apply the necessary tools I have gained through this course.

I would rate this week lesson as 8.5/10 and hope that i can apply the knowledge taught by Dr Gurinder. I would end this post with a quote which i think is meaningful.

We are limited but we can push back the borders of our limitations.

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